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Harnessing Anxious Energy for Good

Our mission is to create a unified community for people struggling with anxiety that encourages open dialogue and the sharing of coping strategies. By shining a light on this often-hidden issue, we seek to create a more compassionate and understanding society that supports those grappling with anxiety.

Join the Movement

Together, we can break the chains of anxiety and build a stronger, more compassionate nation.

We aim to provide and advocate for improved access to mental health resources, increased funding for research and support programs, and the implementation of mental health education in schools and workplaces. By providing tools and uniting families with mental health organizations, experts, and activists, we envision a society that prioritizes mental well-being and supports those with anxiety disorders in leading fulfilling lives.

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey, shaping a future where anxiety is met with empathy, understanding, and unwavering support.

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What People Are Saying

“The sensation of panic or dread is not easy to describe, and the young subjects comport themselves exceptionally well.”

The New York Times

“Where was this 25 years ago? This (Anxious Nation) is something people need.”


“This exemplary documentary film is a must-see for parents with an anxious child.”

Psychology Today

“Anxious Nation is an important documentary about the anxiety that seems to be plaguing many young people today and offers some solutions for parents, grandparents, and teenagers.”


“The statewide screenings of Anxious Nation in New Hampshire have provided critically important opportunities for communities to join together in support of youth mental health while connecting to help and hope.” 

Susan Stearns

Executive Director, NAMI New Hampshire

“An insightful…and jolting…look at the anxiety epidemic that has devastated too many of the children and teenagers of this country. A powerful documentary!”

PBS’s Metro Focus

“Anxious Nation resonated with me personally and professionally. We can’t look away.”


“This is a must for parents, teens, teachers, therapists,.. and pretty much all health care professionals.”

Shelli Sonstein

Q104.3 Radio NYC

“As a mental health advocate, I constantly hear from parents, grandparents, and my middle-aged friends that they “don’t understand what teenagers have to be anxious about.” Well, good news, ‘Anxious Nation’ is a great way to understand young people — and learn how to be helpful. Highly recommend for anyone who has young people in their lives.”

Gabe Howard

Host of Inside Mental Health podcast from Healthline Media

“A timely and relevant documentary… offers practical solutions to help harness anxious energy in a positive way.”

Arkansas Democrat Gazette

“Highly recommend for anyone who has young people in their lives.”

Inside Mental Health

“Just as “Anxious Nation” is a tribute to a generation that shows remarkable resilience while grappling with the anxiety disorders bequeathed unto them by their parents, it is also an instruction guide for parents who want to help their anxious children.”

Matthew Rozsa

“The movie proves excellent cinematic therapy…”

Film Festival Today

“Don’t miss it, underdogs. It’s an honest and insightful film that provides audiences with a raw and intimate look into the lives of families and kids grappling with anxiety.”

Glenn Stearns

Undercover Billionaire

“You are doing such an important service to the entire mental health community and especially for the many, many young people who live with anxiety today. As the tagline of your film says: “Our Kids are in Crisis” and films like yours help open up a thoughtful dialogue to help address their challenges. Seeing other young people on film share their stories so openly not only helps reduce stigma but also helps people feel less alone with their inner struggles.”

Vicky Goodman

President and Founder,Friends of Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA

“(This film) needs to be screened at every middle and high school in the country to educate and open the conversation.”

Wendy Kelman, MSW

Executive Director Friends of Semel Institute

Everyone must watch this!

“I saw a screening of this at a local high school. It is such an important film!! This film needs to be in every single school! part of the health curriculum, Mandatory. Our kids need to see they are not alone. I saw myself in this film as a child, as a young adult and as a parent, and then I saw my own child.. I think everyone can relate to this film from every walk of life. I cried a lot, but it gave me hope.”

Tammy S.

An important watch for families with young children

“A visceral and eye-opening display of how anxiety is impacting our youth. The documentary effectively engages the audience through a myriad of diverse stories and provides medical expert opinions and advice, equipping modern families with tools to address childhood anxiety in their own homes.”

Brianna D.

Great Content and Information

“As the father of an 11-year-old, I deal with anxiety in my household daily. I am so glad to see documentary films start to address this issue and offer help. There is a great deal of content to digest in Anxious Nation. The experts are wonderful and provide meaningful advice that kids and parents will find valuable. I noticed the site reviewer mentioned this “doc explores but doesn’t explain anxiety.” Well, I couldn’t disagree more. In fact, the entire film consists of many kids, parents, and experts describing and explaining anxiety and providing advice on how to cope with it. How, when, where, and why it shows up in our lives is covered in depth. (Perhaps the reviewer didn’t watch the entire film?) I’d suggest watching with your kids today if they are struggling to control the stress and anxiety in their lives.”

Jerome J.

An Important Movie for All Families!

“As a father of three kids with anxiety, I thought this doc was powerful as it addresses so many issues and offers real-time solutions for families. It is well documented that mental health continues to affect so many today, and anything that continues this important conversation and brings the topic to the forefront is so helpful to us. In a very raw and authentic way, Anxious Nation further destigmatized this topic and let’s us all know that we are not alone, especially our kids who are really struggling. Honestly, I wish my wife and I had this movie 25 years ago as it would have helped save so much time, energy and worry. Thank you, Anxious Nation, for helping us all realize that we are in this together and many solutions are available.”

Raja D.

Dr. Phil Endorses Anxious Nation

A Message from Executive Producer, Kathy Ireland

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Pay it Forward

If you or someone you love struggles with anxiety, you know how hard it can be to find resources and help. You can pay it forward by supporting the Anxious Nation Foundation, our 501c3 nonprofit. At the Anxious Nation Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves access to resources and support for their mental well-being, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing free screenings of our award-winning film, Anxious Nation, in communities across the globe. Will you please join us on our mission?